
A review of 2013 and look ahead to 2014

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Looking back at 2013 and looking forward to 2014

18 months ago saw something happen which could have been the end, quite literally, for me and my riding career. A fluke fall, a lengthy stay in hospital, and worst of all, saying goodbye to my beloved monty and porridge.

18 months on, life looks somewhat different.

Having restarted the Jamaras stud, and buying an unseen 18month old welsh section D, getting back up on my feet (quite literally), and getting out showing in hand, breeding a fabulous colt, seeing him grow up and move on, wow, what a time it has been. But nothing quite prepared me for having a new horse, another thoroughbred, this time a grey mare called Barton Grey, aka Maisie.

If you follow my facebook page you will know about Maisie, but for those who don’t, a quick run down:

Maisie is on full loan, she has raced but fell breaking her pelvis and jaw, all recovered now, has been enjoying life for a while, her owner Gaby, approached me for some lessons, then by chance wanted me to ride her in her first ever competition. At this point Gaby was looking for a sharer for Maisie, and low and behold, guess who said yes, yep, me! So it began at that point, with a 3rd place in our 1st competition, and riding more and more, I was offered full loan, at which I obviously jumped at the chance. And as they say, the rest is history!

Also in 2013 Kilminsters Equestrian And Pet Supplies Ltd was born, which has seen massive growth in its first year, so much so, 2014 looks like we may need to expand! This has been down to the joint effort between my business partner Debbie and myself.

2013 seems to have flown by, possibly due to being so busy!

So what does 2014 hold?

Maisie will be aimed at British Dressage competitions, and especially the ROR series in which I am holding a lot of hope, the biggest goal for 2014 will be to get to the regional finals.

We have been extremely lucky to secure sponsorship for 2014 too from: MacWet Gloves, EquiAmi, Keis Heated Clothing, Promotion Designs and Kilminsters Equestrian and Pet Supplies. All of which I am extremely grateful to.

After life threw me some lemons, I firmly believe I have now made lemonade from them and have an opportunity to finally achieve a lifelong dream, together with the support of such great sponsors, friends and family, 2014 looks like it could perhaps be a successful one.....

Finally, a massive thank you to everyone who has helped, supported, picked me up (sometimes literally!), stood by me in times of adversity and put up with me and my obsession with dressage!

Good luck and happy New Year!

Masie Dressage


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