
Master Dressage Book Review

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Master Dressage book review    Master Dressage

This, the 2nd edition of Peter Doves “Master Dressage” adds yet more valuable information for anyone who is interested in dressage, whether a competitor or not.

A fabulous, clearly explained, easy to follow book, with colour pictures and diagrams, which provides the reader with valuable information, tips and advice, without complicated jargon.

The book covers some of the most common mistakes riders make, from inaccuracy, a lack of fluidity, the influence of the rider over the horse, rider fitness and the mental perspectives of riding a test, how to identify when you and your horse are ready to move up a level, amongst others. I found the chapter on score sheets very good, helping you interpret what the judge has written and why.

Although the book discusses matters ranging from Intro to Elementary level, personally I think most riders, and even coaches, can find something relevant to them, especially the rider biomechanics chapter.

This book should be on every riders and coaches book shelf, where it can be referred to time and time again.

 Here is a link to Peter Doves website:



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