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    Hello lovely people!

    It’s been a while hasn’t it, well it’s not been quiet, but not exactly worthy of sharing with anyone as it’s been a “dull” kind of busy. However, I thought I should “touch base” as things are a little different here at Johnson HQ…

    Since moving up here (North Yorkshire for those of you who hadn’t realised), just about everything changed, we arrived just before the winter, and wow what a winter we had, for those who haven’t seen it, have a look at this, winter certainly went on for what seemed like months, but we survived – just – travelling 10 miles in the snow was challenging, even for my trusty truck, so when we had chance to bring the boys home, we snapped it up, that was early spring, and they still live in the back yard now.

    Moving also proved immensely tricky work wise, having spent some of the winter working at a thoroughbred stud, (when I could actually get up there!), that was pretty much all the work that was available, coaching was virtually impossible, no one likes change up here (I know being from Yorkshire originally, we are a strange bunch lol) so although I managed to work with one lady that was it, so with mounting bills and no work I had to find an alternative to fill the gap. Well, its well-publicised that I struggle with my knees and feet, and I have been working in pubs to keep the income, incoming, but several hours a day on my feet has crippled me, again, and the boys future looked in doubt as I was struggling so much to do even the day job, let alone look after them, which then had a major knock on effect to the mental health side of life, so I had to take a long hard look at things.

    Do I:

    A)      Sell the boys

    B)      Give up work

    C)      Go part time and still struggle with the boys’ daily needs

    D)      Start on even stronger painkillers than I already take

    E)      Take a break and see how I feel

    F)       Nothing and try to continue

    Well, these questions have been running round my head for a few weeks, and I bet you can guess which won… B!

    Now I am not going to lie, I actually enjoyed my job, I really did, that feeling of having a wage slip at the end of each week, a reliable source of income, a job where you get in your car and head home after a days work and not have to do invoices, log your mileage, update spreadsheets, not worry if you did a good job, not worry about having a permanent job, but if that’s all life’s about well I am sorry, but it just doesn’t suit me. I wasn’t born to do a 9-5, and especially when my boys might have been at risk.

    So much has changed since we moved, but I need to try and get back to what drives me- Coaching. I also realise that my Social Media pages have suffered too, so those who follow me, over 2k on Facebook, (thank you!) should start to see more in the way of what the pages were originally developed for – coaching. Obviously Jasper and Mal (with cameo appearances from Chloe the Collie!) will feature as I share their lives, but in the main, they will return to coaching based information pages, with the odd laugh thrown in for good measure. I would love to have YOU involved too, so sharing YOUR thoughts, ideas, pictures of you and your horses, just interacting in general, so do please get involved, over 10.5k got involved in our social media horse & hound episode, so I know you are out there - and let’s get back to what we all love so much…. Horses.


    So, there you go, that’s what’s been happening up here, as mentioned, not exactly thrilling, but just like déjà vu its time to revisit the good old days… See you there!



  2. Well, since I last wrote a blog, a few days ago and promising to be more organised with them, I had been thinking about what to start with, then this happened...



    H&H Social Media Winner

    So you are probably wondering what happened to make us the weeks winner, well here it is in all its glory... 



    You can read all about what happened to cause this hilarious mayhem over on our Facebook page.

    There have been many suggestions of what would a Michael Jackson themed musical overlay sound like, (especially considering the excellent moonwalking shown!) well, I have gone with Billy Jean, however for copyright purposes I cannot (sadly!) share this with you, but try this, play the video on one device while another plays Billy Jean..... your welcome! (You will see why when you've done it)

    Someone also asked "I wonder what the dog was saying" well judging by her head tilt look I reckon something like "What ARE you doing stoopid Hooman!" 

    Please feel free to contribute, once you have stopped laughing, via any of our social media channels, it has over 12k views and in these incredibly troublesome times we live in, who'd have thought a 33 second spur of the moment clip could bring so much laughter. Enjoy! 


    P.s. I am still working on other blog content, but what a great place to start :)