Hot weather and its effects
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Well, i suppose im lucky to writting this blog post today!
Yesterday i was booked to school one of my clients lovely horses, an ex racer who lacks balance and is not easy to keep settled, no problem yo may think, well considering that since it is rather a long time since my last ride, about 8 weeks!, im perhaps not as fit in the riding department and i could be!
The session was booked for 10am, however, as we had had temperatures of over 30 degrees the previous day, i decided i would move the session forward to 9am when it should be cooler.
This proved to be a bad move! I duly schooled the horse, who went so well, and after he produced his best work yet, i stopped and spoke with his owner, then suddenly felt really dizzy, so i dismounted and promptly collapsed!
It turned out i had overheated and had the onset of heat exhaustion! So, i returned to the owners mothers house and rested in the shade with copious amounts of cold drink and hosed myself down to try and reduce my core temperature, this took a couple of hours!
So, i guess i'm lucky, but it could have been much worse, i had no warning signs, felt absolutely fantastic while riding, then it hit me!
Please don't let this happen to you, when the weather is warm, please ensure you have plenty of fluids and don't ride on your own, or tell someone where you are or when you should be back, if i'd been on my own, i dread to think what could have happened.
Stay safe and cool!!!